Poetry Makes Me

Hey, I'm just a poet. Words pumping warm in my veins like similies. Bones are metaphores. And the rest, the rest hasn't been written yet....
Gye Nyame Soldier


Rushing against minds to draw them current.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Ya People

Funny the shady actions of some of my so called people
Say call me Moses
gotta let my people go
Those that temple serve as sanctuary protection like church steeple 
His eye on the sparrow star searching keeping thee from evil
Less they scornful eye sees you and it hurts
Furthering future phantoms like fathomed fragments of mistrust
Rust ya open hearts shut like steel
Suppose ta be ya ride or die
But their intentions roll over you front-ways
reverse endearing words ratchet backed over you backways
Grand theft hit and ran games on you both ways stomping over harden hearts like dance crew stages doing whichways
Leave you a courteous corpses pancaked on the pavement bloody
Reaching for fraudulent fog lights you’d wish would stay
Whether it be ya friend
Your man or your woman or ya next of kin
You forgive them
Expose open let them in
And that’s when they leave you again like damn
Brazenly toxic wit cha mood swings got me dodging hateful haymakers no penicillin for ya Ali’ed bee stings
Seems to me I’m allergic
Your ever other day type engagements equates worthless
Me investing my invaluable time to a constipated half-ass friend ain’t worth shit
But that’s what I’ll do
Excrete you like the stubborn compounded pile of Perry doggin poo I’ve found you to be ready to exlax let you loose release
Like a sinner’s first touch from God in church
Ripping rotted ribbed limbs from a once blossomed friendship sometimes hurts
Removing dead ends and sowing seeds of new growth that’s how god works
Cottin pickin ya mental searching scalp for a friend that makes ya naps feel beautiful             what you deserve cause you are
So much better
Than ya people 

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